The State of the Integral Enterprise. Part 3: Key Ideas for a World at Risk

December 11, 2009

The State of the Integral Enterprise. Part 3: Key Ideas for a World at Risk

with Roger Walsh and Ken Wilber

We live in a time of unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Never before have we had the power to imperil our species and our planet. And never before have we had the power to heal our species, and to bring people to new levels of prosperity, well-being, health, and maturity. The choices our generation makes will determine whether we leave behind us an evolving civilization and a fertile earth, or a failed species and a plundered planet. We have the power to do both. Part of the power available to us is the integral vision. It is our remarkable privilege to be able to realize this vision ourselves, to embody and express it in our lives, to use it to better understand the world, and to let it use us as willing instruments to help heal our world. What greater privilege could there be than to use this profound vision to play our role to serve, help, heal, and awaken all beings?

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